
Papers in English (Athanasia Foundation)

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Stichting Athanasia   (publicatiedatum: 19 July, 2012)


Relevant papers in English by scholars affiliated to Athanasia Foundation.



Papers (including translations) in English


Survival Research
A contemporary extinction hypothesis: Mortal minds by Gerald Woerlee , translated review by Titus Rivas, published in Terugkeer of Merkawah/IANDS Netherlands, 2004.
A few comments on an article by Gerald Woerlee about the "Man with the Dentures" by Titus Rivas, 2008.
A Near-Death Experience with Veridical Perception Described by a Famous Heart Surgeon and Confirmed by his Assistant Surgeon, by Titus Rivas, and Rudolf H. Smit, published in the Journal of Near-Death Studies, 2013.
- An untraceable text message and its probable sender, by Titus Rivas and Anny Dirven, The Paranormal Review, 2013.
English translation by Gerald Woerlee of Transcript of Interview by Titus Rivas with nurse TG about the "Man with the Dentures", on the Merkawah website, 2008.
Is it Rational to Extrapolate from the Presence of Consciousness During a Flat EEG to Survival of Consciousness After Death? by Titus Rivas for the Journal of Near-Death Studies, 2010.
Rejoinder to “Response to ‘Corroboration of the Dentures Anecdote Involving Veridical Perception in a Near-Death Experience”, by Rudolf H. Smit and Titus Rivas, published in the Journal of Near-Death Studies, 28 (4), 193-205, Summer 2010
Review of Kim Sheridan's book Animals and the Afterlife by Titus Rivas, translation of book review in Terugkeer of Merkawah/IANDS Netherlands, 2005.
Searching for Eternity by Don Morse
The Lost Secret of Death by Peter Novak (review)
The Scalpel and the Soul by Allan J. Hamilton (review)
The sickbed vision of Mrs. Neska Ong A Kwien, by Titus Rivas en Anny Dirven, published in The Paranormal Review, 2005.
The Survivalist Interpretation of Recent Studies into the Near-Death Experience by Titus Rivas, published in the Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, 2003.
What does consciousness during a Near-Death Experience imply for consciousness after death? paper published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
Why it Makes Sense to Explain Near-Death Experiences by the Survival of Consciousness, by Titus Rivas

Reincarnation Research and Pre-Existence
Alfred Peacock? Reincarnation fantasies about the Titanic, by Titus Rivas, article in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 1991.
Amnesia: The universality of reincarnation and the preservation of psychological structure by Titus Rivas, translation of Dutch paper published in the Spiegel der Parapsychologie, 1999.
Biological and personal evolution, paper published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
Cosmic Cradle by Elizabeth M. Carman & Neil J. Carman, by Titus Rivas for Terugkeer, 2013.
Dreams about previous lives, article by Titus Rivas, published on website Reincarnation Researches.

- Dutch Children Who Remember a Previous Life, on the Psi Encyclopedia, 2020.
Lonnerstrand's book about Shanti Devi, review by Titus Rivas, originally published in Dutch in Terugkeer
- Memories of Light by Toni Maguire (Review), by Titus Rivas for Terugkeer, 2012.
Memory and paramnesia: Reincarnation research into spontaneous memories among adults and children in the Netherlands, article by Titus Rivas, published on website Reincarnation Researches.

Paranormal aspects of Pre-Existence Memories in Young Children by Titus Rivas, Elizabeth M. Carman, Neil J. Carman, and Anny Dirven, published in the Journal of Near-Dwath Studies, 2015.
Past-life interpretations: we need all of them by Titus Rivas, full text of SPR-lecture, London, November 2004.
Rebirth and Personal identity: Is Reincarnation an Intrinsically Impersonal Concept?, by Titus Rivas, published in the Journal of Religion and Psychical Research
Reincarnation and Pre-existence Memories Among Young European Children, lecture by Titus Rivas, for the Paraquest Conference in Sale, Manchester, May 14th 2006.
Reincarnation Research: In search of the most parsimonious sufficient hypothesis by Titus Rivas, online English translation of Dutch paper published in the Spiegel der Parapsychologie, 1993.
Review of dr. Ian Stevenson's European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Titus Rivas, translation of book review, published in Terugkeer
Six Cases of the Reincarnation Type in the Netherlands by Titus Rivas, published in the Paranormal Review, 2004.
- We've contributed many Cases of Prebirth Memories to Spiritual Pre-Existence, such as those of Shai, Kees, Myriam, Najade, Arjan Voet, and others. By the way, all the cases on this website are interesting!
The Case of Iris Farczady: A Stolen Life, by Mary Rose Barrington, Peter Mulacz, and Titus Rivas
The Case of S., article by Titus Rivas, published on his website Kritisch
The Life Beyond: Through the eyes of Children who claim to Remember Previous Lives, by Titus Rivas and Dr. Kirti Swaroop Rawat, published in the Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, 2005. Here's a mirror page on Spiritual Pre-Existence
Three Cases of the Reincarnation Type in the Netherlands by Titus Rivas, published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, 2003.
Utterances about rebirth among four young children from the Netherlands by Titus Rivas, published on website Reincarnation Researches

General Parapsychology and PSI
Research into Paranormal Experiences in Children by Titus, guest lecturer for Intuitive Intelligence course at the University of Wageningen by Anouk Brack, 2006.
A telepathic experience surrounding the death of a grandmother, by Titus Rivas, published in the SPR Newsletter Supplement, 1990.
Letter to the Editor about Frank B. Dilley's Theory of Clairvoyance by Titus Rivas, published in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, Volume 55, p. 434-435, 1989.
Letter to the Editor about Frank B. Dilley's Theory of Telepathy by Titus Rivas, publishd in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Researchg, Volume 56, p. 312-313, 1990.


Philosophy of Mind and General Ontology
Agnostic Epiphenomenalism?: Response to a comment published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas
Analytical argumentation and the theoretical foundation of psychical research I: Arguments for the causal efficacy of mind, (about conscious efficacy) by Titus Rivas, published in the Paranormal Review, 1999.
Analytical argumentation and the theoretical foundation of psychical research II: Arguments for the causal efficacy of mind in general (about a non-physical memory), by Titus Rivas, published in the Paranormal Review, 1999.
Beyond Chance and Necessity by Lorna Green (review)
Exit Epiphenomenalism: The Demolition of Refuge by Titus Rivas and Hein van Dongen, published in Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions, 2003.
External Qualities and Neurological Computation in Perception published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
- Illusory Souls by Gerald Woerlee (Review), by Titus Rivas, 2014.
Metasubjective Cognition Beyond the Brain: Subjective Awareness and the Location of Concepts of Consciousness by Titus Rivas.
Neuropsychology and personalist dualism: A few remarks, paper published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
Psychical appearance and reality: Kant, rational psychology and the identity theory, paper published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
Rebirth and Personal identity: Is Reincarnation an Intrinsically Impersonal Concept?, by Titus Rivas, published in the Journal of Religion and Psychical Research
The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Mind (review)
The Causally Efficacious Psyche, published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas, 2003.
The Doctrine of a Closed Physical Universe, by Titus Rivas
The denial of consciousness in non-human animals published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
The Logical necessity of the survival of personal memory after physical death, lecture by Titus Rivas for the international conference on the Survival of Human Personality in Rajsamand (India), 1991.
There can be no strict parallellism between mind and matter, by Titus Rivas
- Three Problems with Panpsychism, by Titus Rivas,2013.
Visistadvaita and Dvaita by B.N. Hebbar (review)
Why the efficacy of consciousness cannot be limited to the mind by Titus Rivas, published in Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions, 2003.
Why we cannot be mere elements of a divine dream, published on website Kritischby Titus Rivas.
Why we cannot do away with everyday causality: an epistemological argument, by Titus Rivas

Philosophy of Religion
God and Philosophy by Antony Flew (review)
God: The Failed Hypothesis by Victor J. Stenger
- Starting Science from God by Ian Thompson (Review> by Titus Rivas for Terugkeer, 2012.
What if we find no evidence for a theistic creation?, published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
Who made God? An invalid argument against theism by Titus Rivas
Why absolute agnosticism about a theistic god is incoherent, published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.

Libertarian Spirituality published on website Kritisch, by Titus Rivas.

Dualist Psychology
The Spiritual Brain by Mario Beauregard and Denyse O'Leary (review)

Contact: stg_athanasia@hotmail.com

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